Hybrid Event:
Early Community Engagement in Westminster – New Planning Guidance Launch Event & Panel Discussion
Westminster City Council invites you to join us on Monday 21 February for a hybrid breakfast launch event and panel discussion to mark the publication of the council’s new Early Community Engagement guidance for applicants and developers.
Date: 21 February 2022
Time: 08:00–09:30 (online event begins at 08:30)
Click here to register for the event
The Cabinet Member for Business, Licensing and Planning, Cllr Matthew Green, will introduce the session and launch the new guidance. The event will assist developers, their agents and community representatives to more clearly understand the council's expectations for pre-application engagement, will identify the key principles of the new guidance and explore how these will support developers to deliver earlier, more inclusive and more transparent and responsive community engagement in Westminster.
Following the introduction on the new guidance, a panel will discuss the benefits of early community engagement and how best to develop and adopt best practice community engagement.
To attend the event in person please email planningconsultation@westminster.gov.uk in addition to registering for the online event at the link above (note that places for in person attendance are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis with priority for community representatives).