Details of a consultation being run by WCC regarding the night-time economy

Posted on: 10/10/2023

We would like to bring your attention to the fact that a WCC night time economy consultation has been placed on the website. Whilst some of the questions do not get to the heart of the matter, there is plenty of scope for adding comments. We therefore urge you to make your views known by responding. In addition the interactive map allows for individual comment to be made regarding specific areas of Mayfair.

More information:



From the West End to Harrow Road, Westminster plays a key role in London’s nightlife, supporting good jobs and a world leading array of cultural, entertainment, and culinary attractions. However, as a Council, we recognise the challenges that come with so much night-time activity, including crime and disorder, anti-social behaviour, and noise disturbances, which often adversely impact our residents.

It’s clear that the Council is yet to establish a strategic plan that reconciles the future development of our globally renowned evening and night-time economy with our city’s role as home to a large residents population, many of whom experience the impacts first hand. Previous consultations and stakeholder engagement exercises have largely centred on specific initiatives or policies, rather than encompassing the broader perspectives and aspirations that shape the direction and management of Westminster after dark.

That is why we are launching Westminster After Dark, a five-month engagement with the city’s residents, businesses, visitors, and communities, will take place from today, 3rd October, to inform the council’s first ever Evening and Night-time Plan. Once in place, the plan will outline an approach which has been designed with residents, visitors and businesses that sets a vision for the future of our evening and night-time environment that truly reflects the diverse needs, aspirations, and desires of everyone who lives, works in, visits, or runs a business in the city.

Today’s dynamic evening and night-time environment contributes to our city's identity and vitality, both in the present and the future. Equally, we remain committed to maintaining an inclusive environment that addresses residents' legitimate concerns and align with our wider goals, such as achieving a Net Zero City by 2040.

The Westminster After Dark plan will be published in June 2024 and will provide clearer guidance on noise management, street-lighting, planning, and licensing policies and antisocial behaviour which is fairer to all sides of the multifaceted evening population of the city. The plan will serve as the foundation for future policies ensuring areas like Licensing and Planning are more consistent with one another and address the issues that are most important to those who contributed views in the Westminster After Dark engagements.

Starting today, stakeholders can begin sharing their perspectives on Westminster's evening and night-time environment through our dedicated engagement portal. This portal provides valuable information on our commitment to Westminster After Dark, allows for comments and feedback, and invites individuals to express their interest in joining the Westminster After Dark Stakeholders Assembly.

You can access this portal and review our statement of intent regarding Westminster After Dark via our dedicated webpage at

The portal will be regularly updated with news, community and business focus group events, workshop details, and documents providing broader context to what shapes and impacts our city after dark. One of the first pieces of new evidence the council will produce is the revised Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) for alcohol and entertainment licensed premises. We’re keen that consultation on the CIA takes place in the context of the wider “Westminster after Dark” work. We will inform you shortly about the launch of this consultation and the dates of dedicated briefings on its findings for stakeholders.

The launch of "Westminster After Dark" represents a significant milestone in our journey to deliver the first Evening and Night-time Plan for our city. We acknowledge the role that our Resident Associations and Amenity Societies play in this endeavour. Promoting and facilitating engagement with residents is pivotal to developing a plan that resonates with the needs and aspirations of our communities.

If you have any questions or wish to speak to an Officer about Westminster After Dark, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated mailbox at Our team will respond promptly to your inquiries.

We sincerely appreciate your commitment to shaping the future of Westminster's evening and night-time environment.

Yours sincerely

Councillor Aicha Less
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Protection

Councillor Geoff Barraclough
Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Westminster City Council
17th Floor
​64, Victoria Street
London SW1E 6QP
Tel: 07583 108491

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